

General conditions apply to visits to and the use of this website and other services we provide. Read the general conditions carefully before visiting the website and/or using our services.
If there are any points in our general conditions that you are unable to accept or if you have difficulty reading these general conditions, discontinue your visit to this website immediately. This or future visits to this website and/or the use of our services implies that you fully and unreservedly accept these general conditions.

To use ukflirt.co.uk and the applications therein requires registration, where the User makes use of a personal password.

Article 1: Definitions

1.1. Blue Connectivity B.V.; the private company with limited liability, registered in the Trade Register under file number CC: 85658634 and having its principal place of business, Louis Couperusplein 2, 2514 HP Den Haag The Netherlands, hereinafter to be considered operator, owner and manager of these, also referred to below as " Blue Connectivity B.V. ".

1.2. Account: The account that the User has made, to which the User gets access to the Member database

1.3. Content: The actual contents of a website, this content includes but is not limited to films, photos, texts and Profiles.

1.4. Credit: the virtual value unit within the Member database, which the User obtains in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, and which Credits the User can use to send Messages and content.

1.5. IP rights: all intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademark rights, database rights and related rights, and ancillary rights such as know-how and performances on a par with such rights.

1.6. Logging: Data storage by digital means of events or events that occurred on ukflirt.co.uk.

1.7. Messages: the digital, shielded communication that the User can exchange with other users of the Website and which are visible to the User in his Account.

1.8. Profile: The set of personal characteristics and preferences that a participant has provided to make it visible to other participants.

1.9. Service: The service offered by Blue Connectivity B.V. to make available a platform to send and receive messages and other content to and from other users.

1.10. User: the individual/person visiting this website and/or using the services or products provided by Blue Connectivity B.V., also referred to as ‘you’ or ‘your’

1.11. Website: A medium for the presenting information via the Internet.

Article 2: Scope and nature of conditions

2.1 These terms and conditions apply between Blue Connectivity B.V. and the User.

2.2 These terms and conditions apply to the use of ukflirt.co.uk.

2.3 Order of applicability: these general conditions prevail, unless the law or European regulations, insofar as they have not yet been incorporated into local legislation, are mandatory.

2.4 In the event of any provisions of these conditions possibly being void or voidable, the other provisions shall remain in force and the provision concerned shall be converted into a valid provision that reflects the original intention as closely as possible.

Article 3: Content and use of ukflirt.co.uk

3.1. ukflirt.co.uk has the goal of allowing users to flirt. ukflirt.co.uk is the platform for users to chat with fictive profiles. The website, service and content are being provided for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to be used for establishing meetings with other users. Profiles marked with an icon are fictive profiles with which physical contact is not possible.

3.2. Use of ukflirt.co.uk and services offered through ukflirt.co.uk are open to any person who has reached the minimum age of 18 years. If you have not yet reached the minimum age of 18, object to the content of ukflirt.co.uk and/or the user of the offered Website or services is located in a geographical area where access to the website or use of offered services is forbidden then immediately cancel the visit to ukflirt.co.uk.

3.3. The user can create a profile by completing the registration process. When completing the registration process, the user must provide current and complete information of themselves. User warrants that any changes to this data will be immediately forwarded to ukflirt.co.uk or modified by User on their own pages of ukflirt.co.uk if necessary. By completing your application, you are issuing ukflirt.co.uk a license to use the intellectual property rights to the content provided by User to ukflirt.co.uk. This license specifically includes the right of ukflirt.co.uk to duplicate, display, modify, translate, scan, engage for publicity purposes, whether commercial or non-commercial, sublicense or transfer of content relating to Profiles.

3.4. The user is not entitled to create an account for other parties, transfer an account and/or permit others to use the account. If the data on the user are for any reason no longer correct or complete, the user must amend the data to bring them up to date again. If the user provides inaccurate or incomplete personal information and if Blue Connectivity B.V. establishes that the information provided is incorrect or incomplete, Blue Connectivity B.V. may terminate or suspend the account.

3.5. The user is fully responsible for keeping his nickname and password secret. is the user is solely liable for the use of the account made by third parties, irrespective of the manner in which this access to the account is obtained. In the event of suspicion of misuse of the account, the user will immediately inform Blue Connectivity B.V.

3.6. Gaining unauthorised access to ukflirt.co.uk is a punishable offence. In the event of suspicions of abuse, Blue Connectivity B.V. immediately report any suspected misuse.

3.7. It is not permitted to copy, duplicate, or otherwise use content that relates to other Profiles other than for the use of the services for your personal purposes and private purposes.

3.8. It is not allowed to comment or distribute content that infringes the rights of others. It is also not allowed to publish content that is of a defamatory, abusive, obscene, hurtful or violent nature, or that can provoke political racism or violence. In general, it is not allowed to post content that violates the objectives of ukflirt.co.uk or rules or standards of decency with the applicable laws.

3.9. It is not permitted to use or have used ukflirt.co.uk in any way whatsoever for unlawful actions, committing criminal offenses and/or for acts that are contrary to generally applicable standards and values. This includes, among other things, the following actions: the infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties (including, but not limited to: copyrights, trademark rights, rights under the European Directive 96/9 on the legal protection of databases, patent rights, portrait rights or model rights); theft; the unlawful and/or punishable distribution of secret or confidential information; the unlawful or punishable distribution of texts and/or visual and audio material, including racist utterances, (child) pornography, promotion of drug abuse, prostitution or (other) illegal activities, criminal data traffic, insulting expressions and so-called. 'mailbombs'; computer hacking ('hacking') via Website; destroying, damaging or rendering unusable of systems or automated works and software of others; spreading viruses or otherwise deliberately disrupting communication or data storage; providing access through false keys, false codes and false capacities.

3.10. You may not use the personal information of third parties, which you possess via ukflirt.co.uk, for any purpose, including transferring this information to third parties or sending mailings to persons whose data you use via ukflirt.co.uk. You declare that you will not distribute 'junk mail', 'spam', chain letters, 'mailings' or bulk distribution of e-mail to Users or former Users.

3.11. It is not allowed to publish photos of people other than yourself on ukflirt.co.uk. ukflirt.co.uk reserves the right to refuse, modify, or delete photos, animations, or other images.

3.12. It is not allowed to directly or indirectly include contact details such as telephone numbers, street addresses, surnames, URLs, e-mail addresses or other personally identifiable information or making requests to obtain contact details in your profile or on visual material. ukflirt.co.uk reserves the right to refuse, modify, or delete Profiles or parts of Profiles.

Article 4: Liability

4.1. Blue Connectivity B.V. makes every effort to make ukflirt.co.uk available uninterrupted and to secure it with all reasonable means.

4.2 Blue Connectivity B.V. cannot be held liable in any way for interfering with work, problems, interventions, changes or limitations of functionality or other matters that affect the availability of ukflirt.co.uk or other services of Blue Connectivity B.V.

4.3 If you believe that your work has been copied in a manner that infringes copyright, or if your intellectual property rights have otherwise been infringed, we request that you contact us directly.
4.4. Blue Connectivity B.V. is not liable for the correctness, completeness, and topicality of the information made available. The content reflects the opinion of the author in question. Profiles marked with a heart icon are for entertainment purposes only. Physical meetings with these fictive profiles are not possible.

Article 5: Content

5.1 The contents of external links such as these can be placed within our network are not controlled by us, for which the respective provider is liable The content of ukflirt.co.uk has been compiled with the utmost care. Blue Connectivity B.V. is not liable for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information made available The contributions reflect the opinion of the author in question Characters, profiles, advertisements or contributions can be entertainment purposes Physical contacts are not possible In all circumstances, we are not liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of ukflirt.co.uk, in which case we exclude all liability to the extent permitted by law, regardless of the nature of the action, for acts or disregard of Users.

5.2. ukflirt.co.uk has entertainment as its goal, it is explicitly not the purpose of ukflirt.co.uk to establish dates or meetings in person.

5.3. Blue Connectivity B.V. explicitly reserves the right to send calls on ukflirt.co.uk through self-created profiles. These are fictitious profiles with which no physical agreements are possible.

5.4. Blue Connectivity B.V. is responsible for Profiles that violate the law. If a violation of the law is suspected by a User, Blue Connectivity B.V. will be notified immediately. Blue Connectivity B.V. will then make every possible effort to prevent a repetition of this and, if necessary, remove any statements on the website.

5.5. Blue Connectivity B.V. uses third-party websites to send visitors to their website, whether or not for a fee. These third parties who are responsible for placing these hyperlinks are themselves responsible for the content of the website and the way in which this third party sends the user to ukflirt.co.uk by means of hyperlinks.

5.6. User grants Blue Connectivity B.V. a license (permission) for the use of the intellectual property rights on the content provided by the User. This license specifically includes the right of Blue Connectivity B.V. to duplicate, display, modify, translate, scan, use for publicity purposes, whether commercial or non-commercial, sublicense or transfer of content relating to Profiles ( information, photos, video images, descriptions, search criteria, etc.)

Article 6: Privacy, personal data and control of use

6.1. Blue Connectivity B.V. pays the utmost attention to the protection of personal data of users of ukflirt.co.uk. For additional information, please refer to the privacy statement on ukflirt.co.uk.

6.2 During the visit to ukflirt.co.uk and/or use of the services, information from the user is logged. This information is necessary for the proper functioning of ukflirt.co.uk and optimizing / improving ukflirt.co.uk and/or other services from Blue Connectivity B.V. This information can also be used to track down errors and/or violations of these terms and conditions, legal provisions or other matters that Blue Connectivity B.V. deems necessary.

6.3. Blue Connectivity B.V. pays the utmost attention to the protection of this information and will never share this information with third parties.

6.4 In case of violation of the provisions in these general conditions, actions that are in conflict with the law and/or in case of fraud are not t account with immediate effect and without prior warning blocked and the membership terminated immediately. In this case, the purchased balance will immediately and irrevocably be cancelled. The costs associated with tracing the abuse or fraud are recovered from the user. This is without prejudice to the right of Blue Connectivity B.V. to recover from all damages suffered and legal and non-judicial costs incurred by the user.

Article 7: Rates and payment

7.1 The User shall pay the amounts due for the Service, by means of acquiring credits directly by the User through bank transfer or credit card payment. The rates shown are always inclusive of VAT and other government levies.

7.2 In case of a dispute, the data of Blue Connectivity B.V. are decisive for the determination of the amounts due, unless the Client proves that this information is incorrect.

7.3 Credits, purchased by the User, have a limited period of validity, after which they expire If a User is inactive for more than 90 days on ukflirt.co.uk, the account of the User will be deleted. When deleting the account all data such as Messages, Favourites, and outstanding credit balances are permanently removed from the system. The User can then no longer claim any outstanding credit credits.

7.4 If the User removes his account, the User also removes the possible credit balance. The Client can no longer claim any outstanding Credits at that time.

7.5 Credits that have been issued by the User during a (technical) fault will in principle not be refunded. In the event of a (technical) failure at Blue Connectivity B.V., the User may make a written request for a refund of Credits that have been issued as a result of that failure. Refunds will not be withheld on unreasonable grounds in such a case.

7.6. The User agrees that the agreement to deliver Credits by Blue Connectivity B.V. will be fulfilled immediately after payment by the User, being within the period referred to in article 6: 230o Dutch Civil Code. The User also declares, in accordance with article 6: 230p Dutch Civil Code, to waive his right to dissolve the agreement to purchase Credits as soon as these Credits have been delivered by Blue Connectivity B.V. Credits are therefore not exchangeable for money.

7.7. If the User makes a credit card chargeback without a valid reason, all additional costs associated with this chargeback will be charged to the User.

Article 8: Reflection period

8.1 The statutory cooling-off period of article 7: 46c paragraph 1 under f Dutch Civil Code does not apply to the Service.

8.2 Blue Connectivity B.V. offers digital services, which are entitled to dissolution for 14 days If the user uses the purchased services within these 14 days, the right of return will lapse (for this part) Refunds will be refunded within 14 days on the payment method used by the user If this is not possible, for example with a telephone payment can give the user a bank account The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must send us an unambiguous statement (eg in writing by mail, fax or e-mail - billing@ukflirt.co.uk) to inform you of your decision to revoke the contract.

Article 9: Handling complaints

9.1 Blue Connectivity B.V. shall deal diligently with all complaints concerning the website’s use or quality or complaints of any other description.

9.2 The user must file a complaint in writing by sending an e-mail to Blue Connectivity B.V.

9.3. Blue Connectivity B.V. shall endeavour to resolve the complaint within 10 working days. Blue Connectivity B.V. will inform the User in writing by e-mail messages.

Article 10 User disputes

10.1 Since ukflirt.co.uk is not and is not involved in communication between Users, in case you have a disagreement with another User, you hereby release ukflirt.co.uk from all claims, claims and damages (direct or indirect) in any form or nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed or not disclosed as a result of or connected with such cases.

Article 11: Intellectual property

11.1 All intellectual property rights and all similar rights in all services, products and information offered on ukflirt.co.uk are vested solely in Blue Connectivity B.V. or its licensors.

11.2 No part of ukflirt.co.uk may be reproduced without written permission from Blue Connectivity B.V. The intellectual property rights to all texts, images, sounds and software of ukflirt.co.uk belong to Blue Connectivity B.V. or its licensors.

11.3 Insofar as Users send texts or images, sounds and/or software to Blue Connectivity B.V. or leave them on the website, users transfer all intellectual property rights to Blue Connectivity B.V. and indemnify Blue Connectivity B.V. therefore of third-party claims. Blue Connectivity B.V. is therefore entitled to exploit these contributions commercially.

11.4 Should Blue Connectivity B.V. be notified of (alleged) infringing material or (alleged) infringing links on the website then Blue Connectivity B.V. has the right, but not the obligation, to remove this content or links immediately.

Article 12: Changes in price and general conditions

12.1. Blue Connectivity B.V. has the right to change the services and prices published on its Website at any time and thereby to adjust the terms of these terms and conditions, to update them or to complete them more fully. It is your personal responsibility to review these terms and conditions regularly. If you continue to use ukflirt.co.uk after the effective date of the changes, you agree to accept and accept these changes.

12.2. Blue Connectivity B.V. disclaims any and all liability for any adverse consequences that may result from changes made to the content of ukflirt.co.uk or the terms and conditions.

Article 13: Governing Law

All relations and any possible disputes arising from these Terms shall be settled exclusively under UK law. This shall not affect the rights of consumers arising from the generally binding provisions of law.